Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jovanelly Kitchen

I was fortunate enough to work on my sister's kitchen for her.  She and Nate were very open to trying new things and to my suggestions for finishes.  We ended up with a dark cherry cabinet with a contemporary door style.  The "Costa Smerelda" granite that was chosen is really the jewel of the kitchen.  It has beautiful veining, like that of marble.  It is the "light" that the dark finish on the cabinets needed to set everything off.  We decided to keep the soffits to stay within their budget and made a last minute decision to tear out the existing built-in pantry and go with a matching pantry cabinet.  This allowed us to move the refrigerator to the end and make a lot more room for the dishwasher to open.  We then selected a pale yellow paint color for the walls to bring out the veining in the granite.

Before remodel:

After the remodel:

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